Photoshop is a very great tool for graphical designs. With photoshop, one can create images and designs that can be regarded as a masterpiece. Its not only graphical designers that need photoshop though but also web designers and developers. Today we'll be talking about how to create an icon using photoshop. An icon is a small image mostly of 64x64, 32x32 and 16x16 dimensions. It has the .ico file extension. Icons are generally used for programs and stuff but web designers also use it as a favourite icon, popularly called favicon.
Unfortunately, Adobe Photoshop does not originally present one with the option to save any image with the .ico extension. But in order to do these, we'll have to download the .ico plugin for photoshop. Click here to download it. After download, extract and copy the contents to the plugins folder of your photoshop application. This is most likely to be in your program files. To do this, open your Photoshop folder in your program files, then Open Plugins => File Formats, and paste it in the folder. Now restart or open your photoshop application, design the image you want, set the appropriate dimensions i.e width and height. Now Click on File -> Save As, and you'll now have the choice of saving images as an icon. Don't forget to share.
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