Monday, 7 May 2012


Creating your vice-city skin is a very fun thing to do. It makes you feel cool when you are playing the game. All you need is a photo-editing software e.g Paint - the default windows photo editor or Photoshop. The Gta-vice city skins follow a particular pattern, see image below

Editing images according to the layer above will create a new skin for you. Lets Begin.
  1. Save the image below and open it with Paint or any other photo editor
  2. Now customize the image to you liking following the layout/pattern above
  3. Now save it as a bitmap, or PNG or Jpg image on your desktop
  4. After saving, copy the image to the skin folder in your GTA folder
  5. The folder is probably C:\Program Files\DexAry\Grand Theft Auto - Vice City\skins or find it yourself
  6. Now load the game and change the skin to your own
Thats all people, hope you like it. Here's my own skin, you could edit it or just keep it like that if you want.

And here is what it'll look like in GTA


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