Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The Windows Experience Index

First, what is the Windows Experience Index? According to the Windows Help manual, "The Windows Experience Index measures the capability of your computer's hardware and software configuration and expresses this measurement as a number called a base score. A higher base score generally means that your computer will perform better and faster than a computer with a lower base score, especially when performing more advanced and resource-intensive tasks." The Windows experience Index groups your computer's hardware and components and groups them into five namely:
  • Processor
  • Memory(Ram)
  • Graphics
  • Gaming graphics
  • and Primary hard disk

The Windows Experience Index accesses the key system components and rates them on a scale of 1.0 to 7.9. Your system rating is your lowest base score i.e after running the Windows Experience index, it will select the lowest base score and regard it as your system rating. To run the Windows Experience Index;
  1. Go to "My computer"
  2. Open System Properties and click on rating
  3. Or you could just type "Performance Information and tools" in the search bar on the start menu
  4. Now click on "Re-run the assessment" at the bottom right corner and wait for the assessment to finish

NOTE: This assessment can only be carried out when you computer is connected to a power outlet Bye.


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