The Windows logon screen can be boring at times with the default picture like that above. Changing this background will add a really geeky feeling to your system. And you feel supercool when a friend or relative picks up your system and find this really cool feature.
To be able to do this, you need the software called “Logon Personalization”. Logon Personalization allows you to change the default background image of your logon screen. Download Logon personalization Here,extract it and run.
During Runtime, under the Logon screen tab, choose custom image and then browse for your desired image. Now click “Set Image”. To check out your new screen, press WinKey + L to view the locked screen with your new image.
Under the Logon options, you’ll be able to change the button style, add a startup message that comes up everytime you restart your system and also change the logon branding image. Download Now, and enjoy the cool features this application presents you.
See you guys later…
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