Tuesday, 16 October 2012


The look and feel of a blog is equally as important as quality content being added to the blog on a regular basis. As a blogger, if you are as inquisitive as i am with how i can perfect how my blog looks and make it match my taste. Then i think this post should be helpful.

1. Choosing a custom Template

Aside from the default templates that came with blogger, it is highly recommended but not obligatory that one goes deeper into the blogosphere in search of templates that can redefine your blog. Check out our tips on how to choose a perfect template here. Google is a good place to start searching but here are some cool websites that you can get blogger templates from. www.bloggertricks.com etc.


If you are still using one of the default blogger templates, then you are in luck as blogger presents the opportunity for one to easily adjust widths, colours, and loads of other stuffs in a graphical user interface. To make use of this great tool, Go to Dashboard >> Templates >> Customize and explore the world of possibilities at your fingertips.
On the other hand, when you've upgraded to a more professional feel ;-), i mean when you are now using custom templates, the above mentioned procedure will not be useful as blogger will not be able to edit the custom templates automatically. In other words, you have to do your customizations and edits manually by going to Dashboard >> Templates >> Edit Html >> Proceed and then check the "Expand widgets" box. If you are familiar with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) then this should be a walkthrough for you. Whenever i wanna edit a particular area in my blog, i make use of the "Inspect Element" feature that comes with browsers. To use this, i visit the page of my blog that contains what i wanna edit, right click on it and select "inspect element". From there, i can see the properties acting on that area.
A great took for this is Firebug in Mozilla Firefox. You can download FireBug here. With Firebug, you can easily trace which value or element is responsible for the action you want to perform. Firebug also allows you to preview your edits without refreshing the page. Awesome right??? Once you get the elements you want to edit, it's now easy for you to go to your dashboard, find the code and replace it with your desired value. Catch you guys later.


Facebook Blogger Plugin: Bloggerized by AllBlogTools.com Enhanced by MyBloggerTricks.com

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