Thursday, 16 August 2012

My Travel Affairs (Website Review)

KYD Evolution - MyTravelAffairs

My Travel Affairs as the name inplies is centered around the travels and adventures of an adventurous woman that lives her life travelling and enjoying the beauty of life.

First let me give you a little insight to Maria.
Maria Machiocha is a woman that has quite a passion for traveling. When she's not traveling, she's partying.
She enjoys exploring the world in search of amazing people, unique places and immersing stories and takes her followers along in her quest for adventure.
But... I am not here to talk about her but her website, My Travel Affairs

My Travel Affairs located at was designed using Wordpress,
a content management system that enables easy building and laying out of modern websites. This site definitely appeals to the average person because the layout is so simple but very VERY effective. It is a clean site with a flawless look, and someone without any technical background would definitely appreciate it. The layout makes anyone feel comfortable because it is so well done and clean looking. You feel as if you are in good hands and you know that you will be able to find anything you need on this site.
There are minimum graphics, and the graphics there are small and fast-loading. The colors of the images go together nicely. The design is very consistent throughout all of the pages- clean and easy to read. Well done! Overall a great site with not only great design but excellent content as well. Great job to everyone involved.

Content is appropriately organised and the links to other posts are duly placed in a section on the right that aids navigation and exploration. But i couldn't detect any privacy policy or terms and would advise to add it as soon as possible, probably add the links to the footer.

So, if you are looking to get pretty cool travel gists and find places you might wanna visit, the place to go is My Travel Affairs.

"This review has been written to the best of my knowledge at the time of writing.


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