Friday, 10 August 2012

Restore Permanently Deleted Files From Any Media


Hello readers, i have been thinking of writing on this topic for a while now but i just keep postponing it. But i guess today is the day. A friend of mine contacted me earlier today to tell me he had mistakenly deleted an important folder from his system and he was distraught. Thank God i was able to come to the rescue, who knows where he'll be now......pardon my digression.

YES!!! Files deleted from the recycle bin or permanently(by pressing Shift + Del) can be recovered. All you need is an utility software that performs this function. There are many softwares out there that do this but i personally use Restoration.
There are others like Recovery, Active@ file recovery and many more. The most important part is remembering the name of the file you are looking for in order to make the search faster. If you cant recall the name of the file, you can still search but it'll take longer. After the search, once you locate the file/folders you are looking for, you'll see an option to copy to disc and that's all. You have your file back.
Download Restoration by clicking on the image below

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